Saturday, 24 October 2015

Age, life & tales


What is age? But tis-
A measure of your experiences,
The weight of your sorrows, and
The brightness of the smiles,
You’ve seen in the ocean of time.
Where the sand drains to infinity,
A land men wander in eternity,
Knowing not where we trod.
Yet we meet, commute and live.
Time-what is it really?
Once lost, forever lost-how?
Why do men age with time?
Science speaks of lifecycles.
In time we wither and die
A moment once happened goes by
Never to be seen, yet we feel,
We remember the tales we lived.
Do you have a tale to tell?
Very often men exist but not live,
For they are dead at heart,
To the everlasting mystery that goes on,
And dead men tell no tales!
Tell me : "Are you alive or are you dead?"

Elvin Johnpaul

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