Monday 28 August 2017

The Man with No Memory

Everything I loved forever faded from memory!
Memories Lost, Leaves Shed, Dried Rivers.
Who are thee ? Thou who art in me heart.
What forgotten face lies beneath thy veil ?
What memories did we share ? I know not!
For I am an empty shell, A walking corpse.
Dead are those who cannot remember their kin.
Forgotten is the life that I once lived.
Friends that came and by are now but a blur.
Long forgotten, the lips I kissed, the maiden's touch.
As I lie down waiting for the reaper's scythe.
For death and the road to the void no man knows
A date many a man would dread to go on.
I only hope and pray for it to come soon.
To relieve me of this misery called life.
For I am a man with no memory-and
What is life but the memories we make ?